Friday, August 11, 2023

Pledge of Allegiance by Red Skelton (Brings new meaning to the words)

 Pledge of Allegiance

by Red Skelton

I:  me, an individual, a committee of one,

pledge: dedicate all of my worldly goods to give without self pity,

allegiance: my love and my devotion,

to the flag: our standard, old glory, a symbol of freedom, wherever she waves, there's respect, because your loyalty has given her a dignity that shouts “Freedom is Every Bodies Job!”

of the United: that means that we have all come together.

States of America: Individual communities that have united into our 50 great states. Fifty individual communities with pride and dignity and purpose, all divided with imaginary boundaries, yet united to a common purpose; and that is Love of Country.

And to the Republic: Republic, a state in which sovereign power is invested in representatives who are chosen by the people to govern. And government is THE PEOPLE. And it's from the people to the leaders, NOT from the leaders to the people.

For which it stands, one nation: one nation meaning so blessed by God,

Indivisible: incapable of being divided

with Liberty: which is Freedom to the right of power to live one's own life, without threats, fear or some sort of retaliation,

and Justice: our principal or quality of dealing fairly with others,

for all: Which means boys and girls, it's as much your country as it is mine.

Note:  Red Skelton was my Grandmother's cousin on my father's side of my family.  Her maiden name was Maymi Skelton.  So that would make him my 3rd cousin.

Good News


Quote of the Week

Things are a-moving in these here United States.  Just not moving fast enough.   Below are some of the events 

that are going on in COS.   Mind you, I said some of the events.  We are a growing cause and I am amazed at the passion from the people who are volunteering for all of this work, because it is going to take a lot of putting our shoulder to the wheel, to get this Convention of States to write the Amendments to get this country going in the right direction again.  That's some good news. 



August 3: Newsweek
August 3: Daily Caller
August 3: Shore News Network
August 7: ASF Nation
August 10: The Sheridan Press


1. Illinois (67)
2. North Carolina (47)
3. Texas (45)

1. California (+3)
2. Virginia, Kentucky, Nebraska (+2)
3. Several (+1)



Supporters: 5,412,309

Petition Signers: 2,498,147

Veteran Signers: 287,137

Volunteers: 239,237

Active District Captains: 816


Official COS Podcast

COS at Home Archive

The BattleCry with Mark Meckler. Sundays at 8:00 PM EST. Tune in here.

Citizen Builder Training. Mondays at 8:00 PM EST. Register here.

COS Live! Tuesdays at 6:00 PM EST. Tune in here.

District Captain/Volunteer Call. Tuesdays at 9:00 PM EST. Register here. 
Call Recordings.

 Comms Call. First/Third Wednesday at 9:00 PM EST. Register here. 

Prayer Call. Third Sunday at 8:00 PM EST. Join here. Passcode: prayer

Intro to Convention of States. Daily at 7:00 PM EST. Register here.

Convention of States Indiana Live. Mondays at 7:00pm EST. Join here.
Filed/Carried Over (22) *Active
New Hampshire
New Mexico
New York*
North Carolina*
Rhode Island*
South Dakota

Passed in Committee: (7 States)
Iowa House Subcommittee (2-1)
Iowa Senate Subcommittee (2-1)
Iowa House State Government Committee (12-11)
Iowa Senate State Government Committee (11-7)
Kansas House Committee on Federal & State Affairs (13-10)
Kansas Senate Committee on Federal & State Affairs (7-1)
Montana Senate Committee on Business, Labor, and Economic Affairs (6-4)
New Hampshire House Committee on State-Federal Relations and Veterans Affairs (13-5)
North Carolina House Rules (Voice)
Virginia House Rules Committee (10-5)
Wyoming Senate Committee on Corporations, Elections & Political Subdivisions (3-2)
Wyoming House Committee on Revenue (5-4)
Single Chamber Victories: (2)
North Carolina House (61-55-4)
Wyoming Senate (17-13)

Final Passage in 2023: (0)

Defeated or Died in 2023: (8)

Colorado (Postponed in committee, 3-2)
Maryland (Died in committee)
Montana (Failed in Senate, 25-25)
New Hampshire (Failed in House, 157-192)
New Mexico (Killed in committee)
South Dakota (House Committee on State Affairs deferred to the 41st day, 9-2)
Virginia (House Failed to Schedule a Vote by Crossover Deadline)
Wyoming (Failed in House, 21-41)

Final Passage All-Time: (19)
Georgia: March 6, 2014
AlaskaApril 19, 2014
Florida: April 21, 2014
Alabama: May 22, 2015
Tennessee: February 4, 2016
Indiana: February 29, 2016
Oklahoma: April 25, 2016
Louisiana: May 25, 2016
Arizona: March 13, 2017
North Dakota: March 24, 2017
Texas: May 4, 2017
Missouri: May 12, 2017

Arkansas: February 14, 2019
Utah: March 5, 2019
Mississippi: March 27, 2019
Wisconsin: January 25, 2022

Nebraska: January 28, 2022
West Virginia: March 4, 2022
South Carolina: March 29, 2022


What do you think?  Please leave your comments below.

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Memory Lane of Music

This poem consists of lyrics taken from various artists through-out the sixties, seventies, eighties, nineties and into the year 2008. Really a history lesson of our country's people and how things really have not changed all that much in the last forty years, since the summer of love, 1967.

Sometimes my mind takes a walk down that memory lane of music that wants to hold my hand as the lyrics sing joy to the world, all the boys and girls, joy to the fishes in the deep blue sea, joy to you and me, ‘cause the world is black, the world is white, together we learn to share the light, as music is being played on street corners real good for free…

Janis Joplin screaming to “go ahead and break another little piece of my heart”, and another singing go ahead people now, smile on your brother, everybody get together; try to love one another right now. Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, now it seems as though they’re here to stay, and while I’m away, I’ll write home every day, and send all my lovin to you…eight days a week.

Where have all the flowers gone when their seeds are blowing in the wind and the young girls gone to husbands to soldiers to graveyards to flowers again and the song asks how many times must a man look up before he sees the sky, how many lives will it take 'till he knows, too many people have died…

Sign, sign, everywhere a sign, breaking up the scenery, breaking my mind, do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the sign…

As Simon and Garfunkel are at the railway station, with a ticket for their destination, suitcase and guitar in hand, the makings of a one man band, wishing they were homeward bound in the sounds of silence. And the prophet’s words are most definitely written on our subway walls and tenant halls…

I am the egg man, I am the walrus, ku ku ku chu…I’m crying over you, and imagine there is no religion and no country too, nothing to live or die for, just a brother/sisterhood of man living in peace for today. And the wheel goes round and round in the circle of life. In the dangling conversations and the superficial sighs that are the borders of our lives.

‘Cause we could have been more than a name on the door on the thirty-third floor in the air, more than a credit card, swimming pool in the back yard. Instead we pave paradise, put up a parking lot, taking the red apples , and the birds and the bees, and I really don’t want to see all the trees in a museum and pay a dollar and half just to them, with a world full of shooting stars that die too young and live too fast, like the day the music died, singing bye, bye miss American pie, he drove his Chevy to levy but the levy was dry, and the good ole boys were drinking whiskey and rye, singing, this will be the day that I die…

People are strange, when you’re a stranger, faces really look ugly when you’re alone, humans seem wicked when you’re unwanted, for have you ever let your lover see the stranger in your self? And do you hear the last call for the poverty train, as the shiny street will let you get your beat on tricks and trash, as it all comes and goes, so that you can see yourself split, become funky, wondering why you were born, cause you started today, but who cares anyway, for they all just surrey down to a stone cold picnic, where there will be trains of laughter, and beautiful music all mixed in with sassafras and honey, to surrey down.

It’s time we stopped, hey what’s that sound, everyone look what’s goin' down. A thousand people in the street, what a field day for the heat, people carrying signs, singing hurray for our side, but nobody is right if everybody is wrong. Some old man is telling me how to run my life, but he can’t even run his own life, and I’ll be damned if he’ll run mine. How much does it cost? I’ll buy it. The meaning may be lost, I’ll find it…

But don’t worry, be happy, everybody’s happy, everybody’s free, we’ll keep the big door open, everyone will come around, but why are you different, why are you that way, you better get in line or we’ll lock you away, 'cause it all comes down to nothing…with too many choices, watching 'the pig' dressed in his finest fine, standing right in front of you with a bomb in his hands, as all the believers stand behind him and smile as the sky lights up with fire…WAKE UP!

All we really need is love, love is all we need, so let us give peace a chance, 'cause that’s all we are saying, for human as to human, the future is no place to place your better days. The things you might have done, but you might die trying…Cry freedom, cry, for in this universe of justice, the eyes of truth are always watching you. It’s time to return to innocence. To change the world all it takes is one step, once you get your gait, you’ll be walking tall, for you learn to live when you begin to give.

Wednesday, June 7, 2023

Children are raped for money until they die and then

 they cut them open to sell their organs.  How can any human sit by and allow this to happen?!  How can those marxist criminals sit in Washington D.C. and facilitate the rape and murder of children?!  This is what is going on at the U.S. / Mexican border that the Biden administration and the Marxist Democrats want to continue by leaving our border open to facilitate the end of our sovereignty, and the RAPE AND MURDER OF CHILDREN.  

They are raped for money until they die!  

They are raped for money until they die!  

They are raped for money until they die!

They are raped for money until they die!

They are raped for money until they die!

They are raped for money until they die!

They are raped for money until they die!

They are raped for money until they die!

They are raped for money until they die!

They are raped for money until they die!


Monday, May 29, 2023

A message I found online from Q in March of 2020, but is still on target!

I found this post on a podcast that I listen to and I don't know who Q is exactly, but he was right on in this post!   We need to unite~ We need to fight for our pursuit of happiness, liberty and justice that are guaranteed in our constitution.  Once again, I agree, with Patrick Henry, "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH!!!" 

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: fead75 No.8601061

The entire world is watching.
Patriots from around the world are praying for AMERICA.
We are all bound by a feeling deep inside, a feeling that cannot be publicly expressed for fear of ridicule, a feeling that challenges the mainstream (narrative), against that which we are told to accept and dare not question, put simply, that people are being abused by those in power and time is running out.
Remember the battles of Lexington and Concord – “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death!”
For far too long we have been silent and allowed our bands of strength, that we once formed to defend FREEDOM and LIBERTY, to deteriorate.
We became divided.
We became weak.
We elected TRAITORS to govern us.  We have allowed the elite to select traitors to govern us.
We allowed EVIL to prey on us.
Those who claimed to represent us gave us false hope, made false promises.
The evil and corruption only grew.
This is more than party politics.
This is about restoring OLD GLORY.
This is about saving our land and our people from those who wish us harm.
This is about preserving our REPUBLIC.
This is about preserving our SAFETY.
This is about restoring our STRENGTH.
This is about PROTECTING our children.
We are all God’s children.
We are, FATHERS.
We are, MOTHERS.
We are, SONS.
We are, SISTERS.
We do not look at race.
We do not look at skin color.
We are, and will always be, PATRIOTS.


Tuesday, May 23, 2023

President Donald J. Trump ~ speech May 13, 2023 in Manchester, NH

Transcript by Maylynn Hughes

May 20, 2023

Well thank you very much. What a group this is. Woo. New Hampshire. We are going to make history together when we win the 2024 Election...

They've never had it so good. The money they save. Their prisons are emptied out into the U.S., they have no more costs. They don't want to take care of these people for 70 years, which is what you could have. I mean they have this MS 13, you saw what happened yesterday, with this killer, this thug was an MS 13, the level of violence, they called it demonic, demonic, the level of violence is incredible. We have become a dumping ground for the entire world. The money they save, no prisons,

no mental institutions, there was a story recently about a psychologist or psychiatrist, one who worked in mental wards, in South America, he said I worked 24, a good man, he worked 24 hours a day taking

care of very mentally ill people. And he was sitting there reading a newspaper and they asked him, what are you doing? And he said “I have no more work. The people have all been let go into the United States.” Can you believe this is what we are doing. How stupid are we, this is what we are doing. And this you pay for. Sure we can get a lot of them out but this is what we are paying for and the crime, but you have not seen anything, wait til you see this, but he said they let them go in the United States, but this is not true with the 3 or 4 countries that we think of; Honduras, Mexico, El Salvador, this isn't just that little area. This is all over the world they are letting them in. They are coming through the southern border. And we had it stopped up. One of the very first bills I sign will be for the massive increase in border patrol, and colossal increase in the number of I.C.E., deportation officers. We are going to follow the Eisenhower model, people don't realize with Eisenhower, he was very tough on illegal immigration. A lot of people don't realize that. He was really tough on illegal immigration.


We will use all necessary state, local, federal and military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in America history.


And they'll take them back too. You know that story, they weren't taking them back, and I said good, if they don't take them back, they weren't taking them back for decades, and the Generals came up to me

“Sir, they won't take them back.” I said, “Well do we give them any money, like any kind of subsidies or anything?” “Yes sir.” “I'd like to find out.” He came back to me and said “$750 million dollars” To the three countries I said, “No more money for them, starting this afternoon at 5 o'clock.” “The next morning I got three calls from three presidents from three countries, nice people, their smart, I don't hold it against them, they got away with it for years. They put airplanes on their runways when we were flying in with prisoners, these were MS 13 people, that you don't want in this country, believe me, these are viscous, viscous, the most violent gang in the world probably. Almost definitely, but they put airplanes, so you could not land them on the runway. I said, “We are going to stop payment of money going to these countries. You're going to stop payment now.” Next day, I get three calls, the presidents of those countries, separate calls. “Sir, I understand there is a misunderstanding,” “Yeah, yeah, we want your MS 13 killers that you sent over here, we want you to take them back, and we want everyone to go back to your country, we are going to bring them back.” “Sir, we would be honored to take MS 13 back, we think that they are lovely people. What seems to be the problem?” Immediately opened up. Nobody had seen that for 25 years, it took me one night. “We would be honored to take back MS 13 so they can kill our people, instead of yours.” Now it's terrible, the people that run our country are stupid. I will ask every state and federal agency to identify every known or suspected gang member, in America and every one of them that is here illegally, our police are incredible, our firemen are incredible, our police are incredible, and you know what, they know the bad ones. They are in the cities, these cities, democrat run cities, are going to hell. The whole world is watching. But these police are incredible, they know the bad ones, but they don't want to lose their pension, they don't want to lose their wife or their husband, they don't want to lose their home. So they're told to stand back. But they know every bad one, they know everything about it, but I will ask every state and federal agency to identify every known or suspected gang member in America, and every one of them that is here illegally, the police know every one of them. We'll pick them up and we'll send them back home where they came from. They'll be out of here!


And I will restore my travel ban to keep radical Islamic terrorists out of our country. You saw what happened, four years, we went four years, four years, you saw that, right? We were very tough on that.

We don't want our buildings blown up. We don't want to have problems. The Biden border crisis is also a drug and phentynal crisis, and a human trafficking crisis, this is like never before. Mostly with women, sadly, mostly with women, and the number is twelve times what it was two years ago, twelve times, We were so tough on that. What they do with women, under my administration we reduced the drug overdoes in New Hampshire by 18%, we had it at 15 then we had it at 18%, and our First Lady worked very hard on that, I will tell you. She worked very hard.


And instead of being down under Biden as you know, your police and firemen do an incredible job, you have a real big drug problem, in New Hampshire, almost worse than anybody, relatively, that is what the governor should focus on, not running for President where he is at less than 1%. That's what he should focus on. But you have a real problem here. I have to tell you your police and firemen, I've spent time with them, they took me around one day, and the job they do, they bring people and a lot of the job they do is saving people that have overdosed. It's just incredible, The drug cartels are waging war on America, and it's time that America, is going to wage war, what we are going to do is wage war on the cartels, we're being invaded. Our country is being invaded and destroyed.

I will knock out the cartels just as we destroyed and knocked out the ISIS Califate, the ISIS califate, it was tougher, I was told you couldn't do it, it would take three to four years to do it, and “Sir, I don't think we could do it at all.” I did it in 3 weeks. I knocked them out in three weeks. We have great generals, not the ones on Television that leave Afghanistan before they take out our equipment and American citizens, where we lost 13 great people, and nobody ever says this, where many soldiers were

just obliterated. Their arms, their legs, their face, obliterated, because of people that did not know how to do their job. And why aren't these people fired? Why aren't they fired? And I will ask congress to pass legislation ensuring the drug dealers, drug king pins, and human traffickers receive the death penalty. 'Cause its the only way you're going to stop it.


You know I went to China and I had a great time, it's an amazing culture really, and I was talking to President Xi, 1.4 to 1.5 billion people, I said, “You have a drug problem?” “NO, no, no, no drug problem.” I said, “You mean with all these people you don't have a drug problem?” “No drug problem.” “Well what do you ascribe the reason to, may I ask?” He said, “Swift trial.” You know there is no games with these people, you know when you meet with President Xi, he doesn't say 'how did the yankees do last night?” “Oh we have a lovely day.” “Isn't it beautiful out?” “It's beautiful Donald.”


He goes, “We will immediately proceed to work!” And you know what I love that. I think

that's great. There's no bullshit. “We will proceed.” You meet him for 2 minutes, “We will proceed.” No games. “How did the Boston Red Sox do?” No they don't talk about that stuff. They talk about other things. But I said to him, “What do you think?” he says; “Quick trial. Quick trial.” “You know what a quick trial is?” They take the person, they try the person, and if they're a drug dealer, it they're selling drugs, unfortunately they have the death penalty. And I don't think this country is ready for that.

But they have no drug problem, what-so-ever. The only drug problem they have is they make drugs and send them into our country. Like fentynal, and even that I had him set, except for this rigged election, he was set to make that a criminal offense, an absolute crime, with the death penalty for anyone making fentynal. But once I left, once this horrible election took place, they send more over now that ever before. He was going to give the death penalty, that was his deal with me, he was going to give the death penalty to anybody that produced fentynal. Can you believe that in China? It's too bad, all these people are dying all over, and we are being invaded, it's like a human invasion.

To combat the scourge of homelessness that is plaguing democrat run cities, such as Manchester, I will use every possible authority to get the homeless off the streets immediately.


It's so bad, and you know you have great hearts. Especially the people of New Hampshire. You don't want to even talk about it, you don't want to say, “gee, there is 15 people laying in front of my building” know you feel badly about it but, you gotta do something. For a small fraction of what we spend in Ukraine, we could take every single homeless veteran in America, and take care of them. Likewise with all the money we will save by ending mass unskilled migration, you see we're in California, now they're giving them medical care, education. They're getting treated better than our veterans are treated. And you know when they see that, they all come. They say oh, you mean you are going to give us free medical? In California and other places, free medical, education; in classrooms you have people that can't even speak English, and they are sitting all over the classroom. It's killing our country. But we will have a huge dividend to address the homeless crisis, in our own country. We are going to save us a tremendous amount of money, we will take care of them. We will get the homeless into tent cities, shelters, rehab and mental institutions, and we will get them off the streets of our cities,


And living like that is no good for them living homeless, and its no good for the people that have to make our cities great again. You can't make your cities great when you have thousands of people laying all over the streets.

To uphold our second amendment I will ask congress to put a bill on my desk to declaring National Secured Carry, in reciprocity.


And I will immediately restore Free Speech. And we've lost our press. We lost our media, it's so sad what happens with them. It's not even what they report, because they don't report anything. They don't report. They didn't report the Biden stuff. They had the 51 intelligence agents. “Yeah, it's Russia Disinformation.” These are corrupt people. And everybody knew this was not the truth. And we will take care of our amazing veterans, and we did it for 4 years, we had a 92% rating, at the VA. Ninety two percent. Did a great job! We had the highest rating by far, that they have ever had.

Day one I will sign a new executive order to cut federal funding for any school pushing Critical Race Theory.


Transgender ideology and other inappropriate racial, sexual or political indoctrination of our children.


I will also support parents rights. Can you believe I have to say that?


Can you believe I'm saying “I will support parents rights” Can you imagine saying 15 years ago, “I will support parents rights'. People would look at you say this guy is crazy. Who wouldn't support that? There are people who don't think parents have any rights. Including, The direct elect of School Principals, voted in by the parents, and whom the parents want. If any principal is not doing his job the way he should, parents will have the right to fire them. Get them out and get someone in there that will get it done.


And I will not give one red penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate.


U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A. U.S.A.


We did a great job, but we didn't mandate anything. The democrat governors would run their states and generally would do their mandates and they were disastrous, but a lot of Republicans, and a lot of them, and they really did it right. Republican governors, when you look at what happened, and I will tell you there are a thing that people can't even believe.

I will keep men out of women's sports.



Did you ever hear of anything like that? You saw the other day and the weight lifter, and the young woman, 19 year record, 200 plus l believe, but it was a lot for a man or a woman to lift, but it was a lot.

This woman's record stood for 19 years, and she grabbed a hold of the barbell, put like a little tiny ounce weight on one side and an ounce on the other, if you beat it by an ounce you beat the world record, and she got up there and she says, “I'm gonna do it!” and she struggled and struggled with it and she couldn't do it.

Then a guy came along, who happens to be a woman now, according to the laws of our country, and he looked at it, and they said “have you lifted before?” “Not really.” “Let's take a look.” And he lifts it effortlessly, and now he has the record beat by 90 pounds.

It is so stupid. It is so unfair.

The swimmer, you know about, right? She's a great swimmer. She's a great, great, great swimmer.

She's going for the world record she looks up and down she sees young ladies that she grew up with, they're all great swimmers. They've been swimming since the time they were born, frankly cause that's the way it is, who were good from the time they born, when Jack Nicholas was a great golfer from the first day he picked up a club. That's the way it goes, right? You know they were great. She looked up,

she sees her friend, she looks down and to her right and there is this huge person. Looked like Wilt Chamberlain. Wilt the Stilt. 7'1, with a wing span, he was built like, she was built, I'm sorry. Like the most perfect V shaped body. I wish I had a body like that, I would have been president 20 years ago,

IF I had this body that comes down like this (V), and she looks and says wow, whoa, I wonder how she swims, and the young lady was very seriously injured, you know that, right? Wind burn. Lol, because he went by her so fast, the wind was so great, she got wind burned. But she will be okay.

Does anybody really believe what is going on in this country?

I will sign a law prohibiting child sexual mutilation, in all 50 states.

And this is what we must do to save our country from destruction.

2024, is the final battle. If we don't take it over, we are not going to have a country, anymore. I want to be positive, I'm just telling you if we allow them to cheat, 'cause it's the only way they are going to win the election, if we allow them to cheat again, we are not going to have a country.

If you put me back in the White House, the reign of corrupt Washington establishment will be over. And America will be a free nation once again. With your support this election, we are going to complete the mission, we are going to finish what we started. We did so much. We re-built our military, there was so much, that we have things to finish. Stand with me and we will defeat the globalist, marxist, communist, and the rinos. We will also defeat the fake news media. Because they are in on the act. We will evict Joe Biden from the White House. And we will restore the American Republic as the strongest, freest and most powerful nation the world has ever known. We are going to get our selves back there, and we're going to get it fast, they know me very well, they're not looking forward to having this happen, but they'll live with it. Actually we got along with them pretty well. There were certain assets also. You know, other countries need a strong America, not just us, other countries need a strong America. The U.S.A. Is a mess. Our economy is crashing, inflation is out of control, our banks are failing, Russia has joined with China, Saudi Arabia has joined with Iran. China, Russia, Iran, North Korea have formed together as a menacing and destructive coalition. Our currency is collapsing, and the dollar will soon no longer be the world's standard, can you believe this? And that will be our greatest defeat in over 200 years, if we lose the dollar, its a really good chance that we will, but it won't happen with me, not even a small chance.

Russia never would have invaded Ukraine, Like China would not have even thought about raiding Taiwan, would not have even happened, they understood that they cant do that. I use to say that if you took the 5 worst Presidents in the History of the United States, and added them up, they would have not done near the destruction to our country that Joe Biden and the Biden administration have done. But now I say if you took the 10 worst Presidents and added them up they would not have done to our nation, what this man and what this administration has done, and by the way, after this speech they're going to be coming after me big time.

We are a failing nation. We are a nation in decline, that's what is happening, I hate to say it. It makes you sick to say it. And now these radical left wing lunatics want to interfere with our elections by using law enforcement, and we can't let that happen. With all of this being said, and with a very, very dark cloud hanging over our country, I have NO doubt that we will together win the Presidential election of 2024, and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! We're going to do it!

Thank you. God bless you everybody, God bless you. And now God bless me because I'm going to take a couple of questions okay?