Friday, March 17, 2023

The Consent of We the People and the Corruption of our Administrative Government


We the people consent to be governed by Freedom, Liberty and Justice for all. We do not consent to being placed in poverty due to our government's spending our money like mad men, and now covering all these deposits at the large banking establishments. NOT ONE member of the Biden administration, our Congress men and women, our Senators, NOT FUCKING ONE of them is feeling this inflation or this poverty we are being driven to. That's why they don't care. They are getting filthy rich off this inflation, just like they did during the 'plandemic'. They have lost nothing. Not one red cent, while American citizens are losing everything.

The democrats, no the Marxists, (they are no longer democrats), have stolen our elections since George Bush, who was no conservative, but a R.I.N.O., Republican In Name Only, as the Bush I administration established in 1990 through the FEC (Federal Election Commission) and released a universalized standard for computerized voting. That is why Obama won two terms, because electronic tabulators in our elections can be and are hacked. This fact of Voter Fraud has been proven over and over again by several states and auditing professionals, and chalked up as glitches in the machines, by the lying Marxists. My opinion, get rid of the damn machines.

Although Bill Clinton started selling us out to the CCP, in 2000 with his push to include China at the WTO, moving our manufacturing to China and to Mexico with the NAFTA trade agreement. According to the Economic Policy Institute the growth in exports to China created 325,000 jobs to the U.S. in the decade following the signing of this agreement, but imports have eliminated 1.142 million domestic job opportunities. On balance, 817,000 jobs were eliminated by the growth in the trade deficit with China over that decade, and these losses have come on top of the 880,000 jobs the U.S. had already lost due to its prior trade deficit with that country. Both Mexico and China, devalued their currencies after trade agreements were signed to undercut U.S. Manufacturing.

So in my opinion, after all of these politicians have enriched themselves by allowing China to steal our jobs and then taxing us to poverty, and gaining power by cheating in our elections, I think we the people need to strip these people of the accumulated wealth of our nation by screwing us over, and then they should be exiled from the U.S forever. No violence necessary, just seizing of all their assets by the people (all assets returned and distributed to the American people) and then they should be expelled out of our country forever.


P.S. It is time the politician experienced the consequences of his policies. The mandate MUST change.

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