Saturday, February 10, 2024

WE ALL LOST! Many Just don’t know it yet!

The following is an article I found on the internet that was posted to a site that I joined.  But when I tried to comment, it kept giving me the error that I had to be logged in to comment.  Needless to say, I was logged in.  I have posted the Article, the reference to the site address and my comments below:

WE ALL LOST! Many Just don’t know it yet!

Please realize this IS NOT a conservative post NOR a liberal post.  It’s an American Post.  What is happening right now is more dangerous than most people realize.

Remember this statement… YOU LOST TOO! You just don’t know it yet.  “USEFUL IDIOTS” That’s what leftist elites have always called those who support the actions we are seeing today i.e. cutting off of communication, suppression of speech, erasing of history, punishing contrary ideas and political philosophies, etc.  . (Not my words-theirs; research it).

When they no longer need you to retain power, you’ll be next. Your wants, needs and desires will matter only to the extent they further enable their relentless pursuit of ABSOLUTE DICTATORIAL CONTROL.
Remember the history of China? Russia, Venezuela, Iran, N Korea?… Unbridled, ABSOLUTE POWER is always the objective of leftists and it is always achieved the same way…

Important video of what is happening now CLICK HERE!

Does anyone really think ours liberal leaders are different?  Can’t we see a pattern? It always starts the same way…

  • Take advantage of or even Create class and cultural divides   
  • Say the “right” thing rather than the “true” thing. 
  • Inspire with soaring rhetoric.   (Obama was a master of this).
  • Make promises that every human being would love to see come to fruition… Beautiful promises are much more effective than “uncomfortable” truths.  

It doesn’t matter that the promises are blatantly impossible to keep and never come to fruition.  The lies garnered the support of the masses so it doesn’t matter… They have complete control and make the same promises and create the same straw man fears as the last and get elected again.

ASK YOURSELF-  Why is that the most violent, crime ridden, poverty stricken cities have for decades been under the total control of the same party???  Are those leaders, really that stupid?  Or is it by design?  Think about it… don’t they find or create victims, promise solutions that they NEVER deliver but still get the vote?  Are they participating in the continuance of perpetual victimhood and fear, in order to keep their jobs and power?

It doesn’t matter WHO votes…
It only matters WHO COUNTS THE VOTES.
That is what the history they are currently rewriting and erasing tells us.

  • Consider our most recent election:
    • Who prevented proper validation of signatures?
    • Who prevented an oversight of the counting process?
    • Who insisted on the creation of a UNIVERSAL MAILIN VOTING SYSTEM that literally made the proper validation and tracking of legal vs illegal votes impossible?
    • Who had counties with more votes counted than votes actually made?

If we AMERICANS do not somehow get the leftists out of power and again RESTORE a reasonable political balance… 

If not, even those who are ecstatic now, will soon realize that like A short sighted drug addict; incapable of focusing on anything but their next fix… they will soon be hit in the face with the visceral understanding that GETTING WHAT YOU WANT IS, NOT ONLY, NOT ALWAYS A GOOD THING… IT CAN BECOME YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!

My Comments
Regarding "We All Lost"  article...I noted that this was written on January 11, 2021.  The atmosphere surrounding our political scene has gotten much worse since this article was written.  Now, because Biden knows he cannot beat Trump at the ballot, because we don't have the conveinance of a 

'Plandemic" to cause massive mail in voting without signature verification; Biden, and the Biden Administration (Whom I think is actually the Obama administration, for his third term),  are trying to put Trump in jail for 700+ years for non crimes, lies and fake evidence they are presenting.  

People who only did their civic duty of protesting a cheating party  for throwing the election, are in the DC jail, and have been in solitary confinement for over 3 years, for simply showing up at the rally.  I've seen the footage, and January 6th, 2021 WAS NOT AN INSURRECTION!.  But the leftist marxists can not and  will not show the true facts of this illegal committee, staffed by all democrats and only 2 replublican members present.  (both Trump haters).  

Fauci has lied to the entire human race about vaccines, the definition of a vaccine, and people are dropping like flies that take their 2nd, 3rd and  4th boosters of genetic engineering experimental research drug.  The entire world has been the guenny pig for his "gain of function" research.  

We have the "thought police" now, with the FBI and the CIA and every alphabet soup agency out there has the ability to spy on any  American at any time, without a warrant.  And they do, all the time.  

We have 10 million+ illegal immigrates in the central part of our country, and from coast to coast, being bussed and flown into our country without consent or permission from the American people, immunization, back ground check or otherwise.  They are our replacements to vote for the democratic party because no American in their right mind would vote for the democrat party, unless they're dead, or their ballot was printed out from a computer program.  Those persons who are in on the betrayal and treason of our country, and the marxists are pushing for all of these illegals to have the right to vote. 

We are being censored constantly, and the Democratic party was corrupted by Bill Clinton who was responsible for starting the mass migration of our industrial jobs to China, then the rino Bush, the Obama's and now the Bidens are sleeping with the CCP.  We don't win wars if our Commandar in Chief is taking orders from our enemies.  

The above is only a partial list of what is happening in and to our country at the moment.  It would take me days to write the entire accumulation of corruption that is happening all over the United States of America.

I have come to the conclusion that we no longer live in a free country, but a dictatorship run by the elite few that want 65% of us dead to reduce the population, and the remainder will be uneducated and docile slaves working for the Deep State of our country.   For me, this is a very precarious and sad reality of what has happened to our country.

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