Friday, January 7, 2022

Their corruption needs to STOP NOW!


We can no longer allow these people to insult our intelligence or our integrity. They are lying, everyone of them, every time they open their mouth. They are not allowed to persecute our President, (Trump, NOT Biden), or those who support him as terrorists. They are American citizens and deserve to be treated equal under the law, they ARE INNOCENT until PROVEN GUILTY. Have we forgotten that is what this country is all about?

President Trump had to prove THEM wrong, not them having to prove that President Trump was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. They have slandered his name, our country, the office of the President, including proven &/or admitted to committing criminal activities of treason, insurrection, fraud, bribery, money laundering of our tax dollars to themselves as they improve their bottom line, spying on President Trump, and the American people, and unproved yet but highly likely considering the circumstances surrounding many cases; mass murder, manslaughter, reckless manslaughter and first degree murder.

They are a cabal of the most insidious of all crimes and criminals and need to be brought to answer for their crimes. They are American Marxists that want to turn this country into a socialist third world landscape.

They are destroying our country from the inside out. We have to stop them. They can no longer get away with these high treasonous crimes and rhetoric. Call them out on what they are and what they are doing. Every day in every possible way. Personally, vocally, written media to our local & national newspapers, our Senators, our Congressman, our neighbors, our communities, our radio and television news hosts, and be bluntly honest about it. Call them what THEY ARE & WHAT THEY ARE DOING!

We need to stand up to them when they insult us, calling us racist, white supremist, etc., and stop them from bullying, intimidating, and assaulting us. Let them know under NO uncertain terms are we going to take their insults any longer, PERIOD. They have no right to do these things to us nor reason other than to put themselves above us, and above the law. WE DO NOT ACCEPT TYRANNY! They work for us, not the other way around. We Are The People! They govern only by our consent and they do not have our consent to call us names and criminalize us due to their ideology.

Their corruption needs to STOP NOW!

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